Tuesday, December 09, 2014

A deeper look at default methods conflicts and proxies

So what are default interface methods?

(All my examples will use a very syntax very near to Java.)

In essence they are a way to add methods to an interface, without requiring the implementing class to define the implementation. Example:

interface A{
default int foo() {return 1}
class B implements A{}
assert new B().foo() == 1
The default keyword is here used to start the method declaration and as a flag for the resulting method. B will not have its own implementation of foo, still I will be able to call foo() though an instance of B.

All fine?

Well... what happens if there are conflicts? Example:
interface A {
default int foo(){return 1}
interface B {
default int foo(){return 2}
class C implements A,B{}
This results in "error: class C inherits unrelated defaults for foo() from types A and B" when you compile it in Java. The problem is easily solved, by writing a foo method in C and then call the implementation you want with A.super.foo() or B.super.foo()

And that's the point where most tutorials end.

I would like to go further. The "promise" was interface evolution, under which I understand that you can add methods to interfaces without having to worry too much about the implementing class not working anymore. So let me first describe the situation we are really coming from:
interface A{
void foo()
class B implements A{
void foo(){System.out.println("B.foo");}
Let us assume A is coming from a library, B is your code, that implements the library interface and B is then supposed to be used in the library and will call foo, which here then results in B.foo being printed.
Now imagine the library gets to a new version and A is changed to this:
interface A{
void foo()
void bar()
And because your B is compiled against an older version of the library, you don't have an implementation of bar(). As long as bar() is not called, there won't be a problem. But of course the method was added for a purpose, so the library will call it, resulting a injava.lang.AbstractMethodError. The "evolution" part in Java 8 default methods now is, that you can make this method a default method
interface A{
void foo()
default void bar() {System.out.println("A.bar");}
Now the library code can call bar on B and have a fallback to bar in A, thus avoiding the AbstractMethodError

But I mentioned conflicts. For this we make the example slightly bigger
interface A{}
interface B{}
class C implements A,B{}
Again we say A comes from a library, let us call it for simplicity A as well. Let us also say B comes from library B, and C is your code that happens to implement the interfaces from both libraries, maybe to produce some kind of adapter. That's the starting situation. Now both libraries take a liking in Java8 and add default methods to their interfaces:
interface A{
default int foo(){1}
interface B{
default int foo(){2}
Remember, C would now not compile anymore, but since you compiled against older versions, C stays precompiled, so there is no chance for javac to complain here. But what happens to the code in library A calling A.foo? Well... that would be: "java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Conflicting default methods: A.foo B.foo" And as far as I know, there is no way around this. That's where the evolution fails.

Another problem case are Java's reflective proxy. There you create a class implementing a series of interfaces by providing an invocation handler, which itself does not implement those interfaces. All method calls will then end up in an invoke method, with a Method instance, describing the method that is supposed to be called. The problem with this environment is, that you cannot call the default method at all. To be able to reflectively call the default method, you need an instance. But since your proxy is the instance and since the proxy will delegate those calls to the invoke method, but you have no such instance. Meaning, Proxy is essentially broken with reflection...

In theory there is a workaround with MethodHandles. This blog here describes how: https://rmannibucau.wordpress.com/2014/03/27/java-8-default-interface-methods-and-jdk-dynamic-proxies But the text there is really incomplete without the code in the second comment. To call a default method, you need to do an invokespecial. The standard invokevirtual Java does to call normal instance methods will result in the errors I mentioned already. Invokespecial allows to bypass inheritance to some extend and target a specific implementation in a specific class. It is for example used for super based method calls. But the usage of this instruction is restricted. The call must be done from the same class... which is not accessible to us. The second comment in the blog of rmannibucau is now using reflection to access a hidden constructor, which allows for private access. That means all handles produced from that lookup object will be treated as if they are from the class and not from outside. This allows calling private methods (hence private access), but also access to invokespecial (unreflectSpecial ensures that).

But what if you have a security manager that does not allow this private access? Simply allowing this access would be a problem, since with that logic you can call anything, that is supposed to be private. The logic for MethodHandles will do a security check only once, and if that check is already passed when the lookup object is created, then a SecurityManager really has no other choice, does it? The only way your proxy can work then is by redirecting the call to the proxied instance. If that it is not the intention to do this for all calls, then you lost.

So what do we do then? Produce our own proxy class at runtime? Well... ignoring that generating classes like this easily leads to class loader related problems, the very same security manager can easily prevent that as well. After all, you have to define your class somewhere.

I guess in total, there is no sure way for the Proxy version to work properly. And the conflict case is obviously also not covered.

I would say, that if default methods had been intended as a safe way to evolve interfaces, then they are a failure. Everything is fine, as long as you stay with a single interface only. If there are multiple interfaces, then things can still go fine, if the interfaces are all from the same library. But if you have to bridge interfaces of different libraries, then you can expect trouble. For me this means I cannot use default methods whenever I write a library, without giving that change the same considerations as if it would be a normal interface method. That means for me it is to be seen as a breaking change. That's a -1 on maintenance.

So in general I actually cannot advice their usage to evolve existing interfaces unless you really, really have thought this through.

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